United States Federal Transparency in Coverage Rule
This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the United States
federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network
allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. The machine-readable files are
formatted to allow researchers, regulators, and application developers to more easily access and
analyze data.
PQ – UK Tax Strategy – for the year ended 31 December 2023
As required by UK Finance Act 2016, PQ, a multi-national enterprise (“MNE”) with subsidiaries having operations in the UK sets forth its tax strategy as it relates to UK taxation. Publication of this tax strategy is regarded as complying with the obligations under paragraphs 19(2) and 22(2) of Schedule 19 of UK FA 2016 for PQ Holdings I Limited and PQ Silicas UK Limited and is approved by the UK Board of directors.
PQ Group is committed to:
– Placing a high value on our corporate responsibility to timely file all appropriate tax returns and remit all applicable tax due to each tax jurisdiction in which we operate.
– Conducting our business in the most tax efficient manner while always remaining compliant with all applicable tax laws and regulations in regard to our global activities.
– Administering proper oversight while having sufficient internal controls in place to ensure an appropriate level of corporate governance in regards to the policies and procedures of our tax-related activities.
– Working co-operatively with HMRC to resolve any issues on inspections/in a professional manner that is fair and equitable to both parties.
Tax and Governance
Responsibility for the group tax strategy and governance ultimately sits with the PQ Group Chief Financial Officer (CFO) with day-to-day responsibility sitting with the Global Head of Tax, who reports to the CFO.
– The PQ Finance Group (Finance) under the direction of the CFO, is involved in all major business decisions to ensure a full understanding of the tax consequences related to the decisions being considered.
– Finance consists of in-house professionals holding a combination of accounting and tax qualifications. When it is necessary finance will see the assistance of professional advisors around the world to assist with complex transactions to ensure compliance with all relevant tax laws.
– The Group/Company places a high value on maintaining its positive reputation as a responsible Corporate Citizen in every country in which we operate.
– Our Leadership Team appreciates the importance of tax compliance and is aware of the negative publicity that comes from not being compliant.
Tax Planning
– Any tax planning is focused on supporting the operational needs of our business by ensuring that our business is carried out and decisions are made in the most tax efficient manner while, at the same time, always remaining compliant with all relevant tax laws.
Risk Management
– Tax risks are assessed by Global Head of Tax, PQ Finance Group, Finance Directors & local financial management and managed to ensure compliance with all relevant tax laws, rules and regulations.
– If a position is uncertain, third party advice is obtained in order to gain an additional level of support and reduce the level of tax risk associated with the position to a very low threshold.
– If we are unable to reduce the risk to this very low threshold, we are unable to provide a valid business purpose for taking such position, or we are unable to support such position from a technical standpoint, we would not proceed with taking the position on a Tax Return.
Relationship with HMRC
The PQ Group value an open and honest cooperative working relationship with HMRC.
– Should a dispute arise with regard to the interpretation and application of tax law, PQ Group are committed to addressing the matter promptly and resolving it in an open, constructive, and professional manner.
UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting – 2023
PQ Silicas UK Ltd is required by law to carry out gender pay reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. The information published on this page sets out the results of our gender pay gap analysis. We intend to use these results to assess:
- the levels of gender equality in our workplace;
- the balance of male and female employees at different levels; and
- how effectively our talent is being maximised and rewarded.
The challenge in our organisation and across Great Britain is to eliminate any gender pay gap in the workplace. We are committed to supporting all our employees regardless of gender and will use the results of our gender pay gap analysis to do so.
I confirm the information and data reported is accurate as of the snapshot date of 5 April 2023 and compliant with the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.”
Mel McConville